Tuesday, September 30, 2008


What is it about that name that immeadiatly causes people to dismiss it?  See, like right now, you don't even want to read any further.  I've tried to talk at least 27 people into seeing this movie, but NONE of them have.  And this, despite my fervent pleas for them to go and immeadiately rent it.  I've tried everything I have in my persuasive playbook; phrases like:
"It'll change your life."  
"This is the best thing I've seen all year"  
"Think awesome, then double it" 
"It's funny, it's visually entertaining, a good story AND it has depth"

None of these work.  So here's  a new strategy:  Whatever you do DON'T see this movie when it comes to the Loft this Friday and Saturday night at 10p.   It will be a waste of measley $5.  You'd be better off spending this on tofu bricks or something.  I won't be there.  Don't go.  

Still I feel a bit vindicated that The Loft is showing as part of their Cult Classic series.  I told you so.  http://www.loftcinema.com/node/527

Top 5 things they should have called KUNG FU HUSTLE to get people to see it:

1) Batman Returns (as a Kung Fu guy)
2) Sex
3) Donuts and Beer
4) Kung Fu Hustle- The Unrated Version
5) Star Wars Epidsode IV- Kung Fu Strikes Back


wev said...

Sex, Beer, Unrated? I don't know if my mother would approve of those labels. I think if it was entitled Seinfeld, I'd be much more inclined to see it. Newman!

Susan P said...

I saw that movie and it is awesome. Blanca and Joel and Benji think so too! But I never recommend Kung Fu movies ... if you recommend them you have to pretend they aren't Kung Fu movies and just say, "Hey, I saw this good movie called _____, you should check it out." Of course, if Kung Fu is in the name of the movie it is kinda hard to trick people... Ok, let's be honest. I don't think I've ever recommended a Kung Fu movie to any of my friends. But this one I would!

Josh Jeter said...

I will, under no circumstances, see Kung Fu Hustle.

Red CANARY said...

I don't think its the word "Kung Fu" that turns people off, but the word "hustle" that scares people. Nobody likes to hustle these days. It just seems very out of style. "Hey Ryan. Why don't you hustle over to my house and we'll watch some Kung Fu." Thats not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

Actually, that looks kind of interesting. I may go see it. Thanks for the suggestion!