Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thought you knew it all at IN-N-OUT?

try this:

As you're picking up your delicious bit of high calorie goodness from the counter,  pause for a moment and request that the nice person with the enormous safety pin give you some hot chilies.  Then take them back to your table, peel open the fun little plastic packages they come in, bite into one and squeeze the spicy juice all over your burger.  Take a bite of burger. Repeat.   



This is remarkable for a few reasons.
-the are delicious
-they are truly hot.  i'm serious.
-they are small and yellow
-I'm not sure at this moment how to spell chillies.
-I've been going to IN-N-OUT for years and I NEVER KNEW THIS EXISTED
-It has done the impossible.  Made a Double Double Animal Style even BETTER.  Maybe twice as good, which is ridiculous.  I think I've gained like 6 lbs since discovering these peppers.

P.S. in any other context I would never refer to them as chilis.  They are what I would describe as "hot peppers."  But somewhere inside the IN-N-OUT top secret bunker, they decided to call them "chillies" (however you spell it) as this is what the register reads when  you order them on your burger.  That's right, they'll also cut them up and put them on your burger for you.  

I'm making myself hungry.


Ted Burrows said...

moore, you have just opened up a brave new world. peppers at in-n-out? goodness gracious.

you are right, this blog is worth it.

ted, first post!

Amy (Wevodau) Malskeit said...

and for those of us living without In-n-Out in proximity? Huh? HUH???

Red CANARY said...

Ryan. Great post. I wanted to be the first post, but Ted beat me to it. I'm thinking probably because he's in France. Anyways, your chillies post blew my mind. I'll definitely be making a trip to IN-N-OUT this week to investigate.

Justin said...

No way dude! It's animal style all the way for me.

Unknown said...

In-n-out calls'em chilies, I'm gone call'em chilies! If it wasn't for your discovery of the chilies, I would've gone through life just accepting double doubles as is. You've opened my taste buds (and my pores too) to new adventures in goodness! Keep up the 'good' blogs!

Ryan Moore said...

ted: good work on being the first-replier-ever. No one can ever take take that away from you now.

amy: you'll just have to salivate for now and hope that I write about something you can partake of. :)

red canary: todd, it'll blow your mind AND YOUR TONGUE. congrats on being the 3rd replier ever. stupid France.

justin: but you can have animal style AND spice! no brainer.

musomi: agreed. if IN-N-OUT wants me to, I'll call them "poo" as long as they keep putting them on my burger!

emilee said...

love it! rymo, I've never been much of a consistent blog reader but you're just so freakin awesome that I'm going to try my best to keep up with yours. I can't wait to bite into my next chili infested In-n-out burger!

Josh Jeter said...


thank you.


Nettie said...

wow ryan, people are really appreciative...maybe you are changing lives

Unknown said...

i'm a vegetarian and this news still amazes me...i may just have to start getting my 'grilled cheese' animal style AND spiced up!

thank you, ryan, your blog has brightened my day :)

EMo said...

Dude. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Putting chilies on an Animal Style Double-double would remind me of putting salsa on it....and that's just gross. Apparently I'm the only one that thinks this way, but hey, I guess I can't officially shoot it down until I've tried it. If I do, let's hope no throwing up is involved.

Anonymous said...

Nah dude....I'm with Eric on this one. I'm going with the naturalist theory that if the double double was meant to have chilies on it, In-N-Out would have made them that way in the first place. And I can accept the animal style because the sauce is an extension of the taste that is already on the original burger. No spice, no way. :)

wev said...

I find it highly shallow and pedantic of you to suggest that IN-N-OUT needs anything to make it better.

Ryan Moore said...

To the anti-chilie contingent offer the following:

1) True genius is often initially met with incredulity and contempt.

2) You are only hurting yourself.

Midstreambend said...

Well, what does it say about the world, that with all the election hoopla, the hurricanes, and the melt down on wall street after the fat cats have taken their fat wallets and fat butts to the Cayman Islands and left the rest of desparately clinging to our last dollar, that the one thing that gets the most reaction on your blog is your wisdom in the fine art of eating! And the comfort, picker-up is CHILLIES -- the redder and hotter the better!!! And who, Ryan, do you have to thank for your wisdom and gourmet taste! Me, the woman who started you off with curry flavored breast milk!!!

Red CANARY said...

Ramona - that was hilarious! I think the world needs a Ramona blog now!

Anonymous said...

Wow I thought I had heard everything until I read about curry flavored breast milk. Im glad they dont serve that at In-N-Out. Or maybe they do and it is yet to be discovered. Ryan?