Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Simple Americano

Some (as in me) use the Americano as the yardstick by which to judge a cafe. It's a simple drink, consisting of espresso + hot water. However, it can yield much valuable info about a cafe. You'd think it would be pretty easy to make, but I've found out that there's lots of ways to screw this drink up. Sometimes it's cold, often it's too weak, other times the espresso is bitter. A couple times I had to tell the barista how to make the drink since they didn't know how. (Lord help us all).

Printer's Cafe on California Ave in Palo Alto serves up a GREAT Americano. And they do something that I've never seen anywhere else, yet is a genius move. They give you the espresso, pulled into a mug and then they give you a seperate little pot full of hot water. This enables you, the rightful owner of this delicious Americano, to adjust it's strength to your exact specifications, by adding more or less water to your espresso.

It's brilliant, it's delightful, it's $1.82 after tax.

Now go get one:


Nomadtheo said...

I agree: the Americano is the yard-stick by which to measure cafes. It also gives you the best bang for your buck--with quality, quantity, and price.

Related note: To my shock-horror, they are called Canadiano's north of the border.

EMo said...

That seems like a pretty good deal. Is that for one or two shots of espresso?

And if what Nomadtheo says is wonder we make fun of Canadians so much! Haha :)

Ryan Moore said...

Nomadtheo, I think you're joking. But perhaps I need to wander up to Vancouver and verify this strange assertion. And yes, you hit on a quality of the Americano that I love: it fits my cheapskate sensibilities, providing the highest ratio of espresso flavored goodness to cost of any drink. period.

EMo, at Printer's Cafe, the $1.82 cost is technically a "single." But I'm pretty sure they give you two shots worth of espresso.
I ordered a "double americano" once and received A LOT of espresso. Actually, the photo in this blog show how much espresso a double gets you with their "double."

Rock said...

RyMo--Word. The Americano is money. I also go with the espresso as a good measure of a cafe. How are you supposed to taste the coffee after loads of sugar, milk, caramel, whip, soy, hazelnut crap is all over my espresso!?

And if I'm forced to go to a Starbucks, the Americano is about all I can handle and even then it sucks.

Nice picture too.

Later, Rock

Jessica said...

Loved the convo about the Americano...and also love the photo!

Dan said...

i had a printer's americano the other day, before even reading this excellent post, and agree that it was superlative in quality. however, i didn't get the water pot! they mixed the espresso and water themselves, fortunately in an acceptable ratio.